Frid. 7\10\11. 14.35. Yesterday I took a game off Steve Carter and generally pushed him close. I 1) returned his serves well and pushed them about effectively, 2) varied my service placements to good effect, 3) blocked well. There is no need to do flicked returns except maybe against topspin. What matters is placing those returns where the opponent least expects them. I'm learning!
Will have to get my F\H drives going more, if my back will allow this! It is still a good idea to practice flicked topspin returns: another weapon for the armoury. But it’s what you do with all your returns that counts.
Also spent lots of time working on Dennis’s backhand drive. Actually Dennis has a good attack on both wings but is loath to use this. He prefers to lob. His drives and hits are wild too, but that can be corrected. See how we do on Tuesday against Brian Ashwell and company. They surprisingly lost to Jean’s team last week. A wounded animal... Nuff Said. Out.
Sat. 8\10\11. 15.50. Been thinking. Back in the good old days my team-mates Dave Wagstaff and Richard Wilson played a very solid push\chop game. I followed suit but with slightly less consistency. I was more of a flair player. Anyway, it was enough to give us a couple of 2nd Division titles. Perhaps I need to revert to some push play, at least as my opening gambit in the lower divisions.
On reflection I was maybe too gung ho last week. Sometimes you have to play within your limitations. I’m not exactly a spring chicken. Indeed I’m still carrying a nagging back injury. Last week was generally difficult too. Mum had had an acute illness (thankfully she is okay now). There were many distractions. Just the right time to ease my way in. As it was, my play was very patchy. Regular Thursday practice can unfortunately get you into bad habits if you are not careful. Duly noted. Will be much steadier this coming Tuesday. Nuff Said. Out.
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