Monday, 30 July 2018

Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Table Tennis Association - Thursday Practice

(Picture Credit - Dave Hall - Grimsby\Immingham TT Player)

(Entrance - From Me)
(My View from Balcony)

Grimsby Table Tennis Association organises Winter and Summer Leagues, Tournaments, Coaching Sessions and Practice Sessions. Most of this activity is conducted at Clee Sports Hall, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby. There are other venues at Immingham and Keelby too. Most sessions at Clee Fields are in the evening, but “Thursday Practice” is from 10AM to Noon.

Sure, I practice on Friday nights and Sunday teatimes occasionally. But since I took early retirement in 2006 I have regularly attended Thursday Morning Practice. It is this Practice I’d like to tell you all about.

For me it is Family. Especially as my “blood relatives” still live in Yorkshire. When I first started at this Practice, NALGO Club Secretary the late Don Newton ran the show. I played for NALGO for many years so I knew Don well. We now have a Hard Bat Tournament named after him. I need say no more.

But when Don “retired”, Auntie Jean and Uncle Brian Ashwell took the reins, ably assisted by Stewart Dean and Dorothy Fuller. These committee members have all put in a remarkable shift over the years. In fact the whole committee do sterling work throughout the week. Some, such as Mick and Jon Corry, Colin Woodford and Sean Brown pop in to practice on a Thursday too.

In the Sports Hall we can easily fit seven tables down the far side from the main door. And maybe another six down the “near” side. With our new lighting and flooring, plus new barriers etc. the place is looking good. But again I repeat, it’s the “Family Feeling” that does it for me. There is lots of socialising and banter between games and “knock-ups”. Of course, I’m very quiet myself hehe.

Players of all abilities practice here on a Thursday. They range from National League players to Non-League. Just recently I played doubles with some non-league “Walking Club” lads and gave them a few coaching tips. And I too get coached informally by the likes of Steve Carter, Ray Simpson, Keith Baker, John Whitfield and Stewart Dean to name but a few Premier Division-class players. Not to forget the genius that is Nick Borst.

Actually I have had a rare break recently during this prolonged UK heatwave. I have also missed Wednesday Evening Top Table too (run by Eileen Allison and her helpers).

Players who attend Thursdays have gradually changed over the years. Current “Regulars” include my Nemesis Team Captain Brian Lomas, Philip Yang, Bob Bartle, John Padley, Trevor Broughton, Bill and Chris Bygott, Don Ellis, Alf Evardson, Roy Smith, Brian Todd, Mike Gettings, Val Winslow, Ian Campbell, Stuart Pollard, Darren Aldous (when not working), Ray Corke, Colin Grey, Lee Radley, Michael Louca and John Butterfield. I’m sure I will think of many more later. These are only the summer ones. Two of Grimsby’s best players, Sean Ward and John Hancock pop in occasionally too.

My old team-mate Bob Want makes an appearance whenever his gammy knees allow it. And Dave Hall makes the odd showing too, even taking an excellent photograph of the session once.

Of course, when I see the likes of Tony Roberts in September I know then that the Winter Season is on its way. Ha ha.

Philip Yang is even a fan of this very blog. What more could I ask for?

Thursday Practice is indeed well recommended. Thanks for reading.

PS Thanks to Dave Hall (Grimsby\Immingham Player) for his loan of a photo he took of the session in progress).

Paul Butters

© PB 30\7\2018.